Piedmont Elementary

Piedmont Elementary


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 2/25/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Lingo Construction - Oklahoma City, OK
Jacob Lingo  


10516 NW 164th Street, Yukon, OK 73099

Solicitation for Bids:

January 30, 2025

Lingo Construction Services, Inc. hereinafter called the (CM), will receive bids for Piedmont

Public Schools - Piedmont Elementary in care of Piedmont Public Schools at location noted below at

2:00 pm on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 for the following trade packages:

I. Sealed Bids per Public Bidding Act of 1974 02-01: Earthwork

02-02: Site Utilities

02-05: Site Paving

02-06: Geopiers

03-02: Structural Precast Concrete

Section 1.

The bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked and addressed in the upper

right-hand corner to: Piedmont Public Schools – Piedmont Elementary Bid Package 1

c/o Lingo Construction Services Construction Manager

615 Edmond Road NW Piedmont, OK 73078

Hand delivered Bid Submissions shall be delivered to the front desk of the Piedmont Public Schools

Administration Office located at 615 Edmond Road NW Piedmont, OK 73078. Your bid is to be submitted

to the receptionist prior to 2:00 pm bid time and the time received will be recorded.

The name and address of the bidder shall appear on the lower right corner of the envelope along

with the bid package number and description.

Subcontractors are welcome and highly encouraged to visit the project site at 10516 NW 164th

Street, Yukon, OK 73099. Site Visits shall be coordinated with Jacob Lingo, Lingo Construction, 24

hours prior to your site visit.

The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the above- mentioned office immediately

following the closing time stated above. Bids received after the stated time or more than 96 hours,

excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, before the stated time will not be accepted.

For bids more than $50,000 a cashier’s check, certified check, or surety bond in the amount of five

percent (5%) of the bid

shall accompany the sealed proposal of each bidder. After the

scheduled closing time for bids for a period of sixty (60) days no bids may be withdrawn.

Plans and specifications may be obtained in the following formats:

1. Paper plans and specifications may be obtained from Reidprographics, 6800 N Shartel Ave, OKC, OK

73116 (405 848-7274) at the cost of reproduction.

2. Plans and specifications are also available online through Building Connected. Please email the

CM to arrange for access: jacob.lingo@buildwithlingo.com

3. Plan rooms:

Reidprographics Building Connected

6800 N. Shartel Avenue Online Plan Room Oklahoma City, OK 73103

(405) 848-7274

Complete, sign and include Bid Form and attachments A, B, C, D, E, F & G in the sealed envelope.

Lingo Construction Services, Inc. and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids or to

waive any formalities or irregularities in any bid, and to accept the bid or bids which are in the

best interest of the owner.

Requests for Information, clarifications, corrections, or changes of the Bidding Documents must be

made in writing no later than February 13, 2025. Submit all questions in writing to Jacob Lingo

Jacob.lingo@buildwithlingo.com SUBSTITUTIONS: No substitutions other than what has already been

allowed for in plans & specifications.

End of Solicitation for Bids